
Women Say No To War

Anwar Kadhim Jawad, her husband and their four children were driving down the road from their house in Baghdad one day when they were suddenly caught in a hail of bullets from US soldiers. There was no checkpoint, no warning before their car was attacked. Anwar's husband, son and two daughters were shot dead.
Only Anwar, who was pregnant at the time, and her 14-year-old daughter, survived. The military gave Anwar $11,000 for her devastating loss, but Anwar wants more: She wants the foreign troops to leave her country.

On March 8, International Women's Day, Anwar will come to Washington DC with a delegation of Iraqi mothers, where they will be joined by grieving U.S. mothers like Cindy Sheehan. Together they will deliver our "Women Say No to War" signatures to the White House, meet with members of Congress, release a report on the impact of this war on Iraqi women, and call for the U.S. troops to leave Iraq.

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