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"What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy:
This 2 hour video compilation features the following 10 segments:
1. Martin Luther King Jr.: segments of his position against the U.S. war in Vietnam. (2:45)
2. John Stockwell: Stockwell was the CIA Station Chief of Operations in Angola in 1975 under then CIA Director, George Bush Sr. A 13 year veteran of the agency, Stockwell provides a short history of the CIA; estimating over 6 million people have died as a direct consequence of the agency's covert operations since its inception in 1947. This is a segment of a talk he gave in the late 1980's. (6:18)
3. “Coverup; Behind the Iran-Contra Affair”: Directed by Barbara Trent of the Empowerment Project. The Iran-Contra scandal was not just an aberration of U.S. foreign policy; it has become standard operating procedure. An estimated 20 to 30,000 Nicaraguan men, women and children were killed in US sponsored terror conducted by the CIA backed right-wing contra forces. Elizabeth Montgomery narrates. Includes a history of CIA covert operations by Peter Dale Scott (20:46)
4. “School of Assassins”: An examination of our own terrorist training school right here in the United States. “School of Assassins” looks at the US Army training school known as the School of the Americas where soldiers from Central and South America are trained in the art of torture, terrorism, and assassination. The School of the Americas is located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Narrated by Susan Sarandon and features Father Roy Bourgeois. (13:31)
5. “Genocide by Sanctions”: Examines the impact of the decade long sanctions imposed upon the people of Iraq by the United States with UN Approval. Genocide by Sanctions was produced by Gloria La Riva and features the former Attorney General of the United States, Ramsey Clark. (12:40)
6. “Phil Agee”: Philip Agee spent 13 years as a case officer in the CIA, resigning in 1969. His book "Inside the Company: CIA Diary" was first published in 1975 and has been translated into 27 languages. It was a best seller worldwide. His autobiography "On The Run" was published in 1987. In this speech given in 1991 after the first Gulf War, Agee analyzes why the U.S. invaded Iraq. He also describes "the war against the third world" as being fought for the natural resources, the labor and the markets of these third world countries the United States has invaded either overtly or covertly since the end of World War II.
7. Amy Goodman: journalist and host of Democracy Now! on Pacifica Radio, which was founded by World War II anti-war pacifists. On this section of the tape, Amy is talking about two genocides Indonesia committed. First against its own people in 1965, then against the people of East Timor in 1975. Both of these mass slaughters were sanctioned by the United States State department and aided by the CIA. (5:13)
8. “The Panama Deception”: This film documents the untold story of the December 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama while exploring the role the mainstream media in the United States has in suppressing or downplaying the serious impact US foreign policy. This documentary includes never before seen footage of this invasion. Directed by Barbara Trent of the Empowerment Project. (22:05)
9. Ramsey Clark: former Attorney General of the United States: I was there the night Ramsey Clark gave this speech back in 1998 at a church in Los Angeles. Called "Save the Iraqi Children," Ramsey’s talk is very powerful as he conveys the aspects of US foreign policy in Iraq that are not often heard. (7:46)
10. S. Brian Willson: Speaking about the necessity of a “revolution in consciousness,” Brian offers an inspiring and hopeful perspective on the role of a massive peace movement. Brian is the Vietnam veteran who, in 1987, lost both his legs when run over by a munitions train at the Concord Naval Weapons Station, located in California. The bombs and munitions aboard this train were bound for Central America. (8:37)
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