A few years ago there was a book released on the market called ‘NONE DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY’. This book, like many end time books, was a stepping-stone, a message to an awakening, a ‘pull your head out of the sand’ time. This book contained prophecy and fact but like many other books on this subject, many errors. The time has now come to correct those errors. The revelation I speak and write of now sends out a challenge to Christians, Freemasons and people in every walk of life, to search and find out this truth for themselves. In the previous chapters I gave a brief summary of historical events and what are the true reasons behind these past events. We now have the final events before us, a conspiracy of enormous proportions that only the Almighty God could reveal. Let’s go back to where the pendulum was set in motion, with the founding fathers of the American Revolution and the established seat of the New World Order or ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to come. IDFTS In the Masonic Lodge the sun, moon and stars are represented, I quote from Albert Pike’s ‘Morals and Dogmas of Freemasonry’, ‘the images of the sun, moon and mercury, are represented in the temple and they are still the three great lights of the Masonic lodge. The human soul is itself a god within the mind, capable through its own power of making itself immortal by the practices of the good’. Or meaning man can attain his own salvation, it goes on to say ‘man descended from the elemental forces who fed on the body of Pantheistic Deity creating the universe. Death is the inseparable antecedent of life. The seed dies in order to produce the plant, hence the significance of the phallus (or penis) or its inoffensive substitute the obelisk rising as an emblem of the resurrection’. All the pagan religions worship the phallus. It was the symbol of the sun, the male life giving generative power of the deity in nature. This agrees with Albert Pike who goes on to say on page 13 ‘the moon was the symbol of the passive capacity of nature to produce the female, of which the life giving power and energy was the male. Therefore the sun and moon, male and female, are the two grand principles in the Masonic Lodge, the sun pours upon the moon his impregnating rays, then both shed their light upon their offspring, the blazing star HORACE (or Horus) and these three form the great equilateral triangle’. The phallic symbol is what they worship. This symbol one day will produce the son (Horus the All Seeing Eye) or Lucifer of the New World Order (incarnation of the man who is the Antichrist). This phallic symbol I will discuss in further detail in later chapters. I will deal now with the Obelisk that concerned the founding fathers, the Washington Monument. This phallic symbol originated with the Continental Congress and the end of the Revolutionary War. I believe Jefferson set the plans in motion just before he left for France in 1784 (this was also the same year Lafayette returned to America) as this year fulfills the two hundred year conspiracy. The Washington Monument is an obelisk with four sides and a tapering tower. It is one of the tallest Masonic structures in the world, as high as a fifty-story building and on top of the structure is an aluminum capstone. During the building stage this massive structure was interrupted quite a few times, but finally it all came together. Let’s think about how important this building was. Set inside the structure is one hundred and ninety carved memorial stones, presented by foreign nations and organizations such as Freemasonry and Odd fellows, states and cities. Also making up this massive symbol are stones taken from Braddock’s defeat in the French and Indian war, from Long Island in the American Revolution and you may wonder why - from Mount Vesuvius in Rome (from the Old Roman Order to the New Roman Order) and the Parthenon (Doric Order from Greece) and finally from Napoleon’s Tomb on St Helena, all taken to the seat of Washington D.C. Napoleon was a high degree Mason and his work is rewarded and recognized. This phallus symbol glorifies Satan’s achievements, his undertakings and his blood sacrifices. A group of private citizens (Freemasons) got together to raise money and complete the structure, but public donations came to a stop. Congress stepped in with monies to complete the monument and work resumed again in 1880. Finally the capstone (or pyramid) was set on top on December 6th 1884. A ceremony of dedication was held on Washington’s Birthday in 1885 and at last the monument was open to the public in 1888 (symbolizing the Pharaoh’s achievements). Above: The Washington Monument - a 550 feet high Egyptian obelisk Now God reveals the mystery of the two hundred years conspiracy. The first hundred years began with the conception of the idea to build the Monument in 1784. Then on the 6th December 1884 the aluminum capstone was set in place completing the first one hundred years of progress in monumental terms; the physical groundwork of Satan was complete. The following century (1884-1984) the spiritual and physical union was complete when the stone capstone was set. If you remember earlier, I told you that Jacob’s Stone would be set in God’s earthly house or throne and spiritually Christ would rule over his people from the physical Throne of David. What all this means is that the Antichrist in flesh and spirit, who was to come, took his seat and became that missing capstone on November 6th 1984 that Freemasonry proclaims. That man was former President of the United States Ronald Wilson Reagan or the man with the number 666 of Revelation 13. This is the Masonic mystery, the false messiah who sits on the Throne of David and in the Church. Ronald Reagan states he is a born again Christian. More startling than that, he claims his lineage is of the Stuart line of kings, which can only mean he is a direct descendant of James II and James the Old Pretender and Bonnie Prince Charles the Young Pretender, the missing link [1]. The parallels of the following dates are remarkable. The work on the structure resumed in 1880 whilst Ronald Reagan became president in 1980 for his first term. His second term was marked by the largest landslide win in American political history. It was a massive vote by the Christian Right who returned him to office in 1984. The aluminum capstone was set in 1884 and in 1885 the dedication ceremony was held and then in 1985 Ronald Reagan’s swearing in ceremony for the second term. Finally the Monument was opened to the public in 1888. The capstone went public at the end of Reagan’s second term in 1988, all around the world the symbol of the triangle (capstone) popped up and now this symbol rules the world. The 1988 exposure brought Masons out of the woodwork everywhere, to glorify their final work, completed after thousands of years. In the next chapter I will reveal the rebuilding of a counterfeit Solomon’s Temple which commenced in 1980 and was finished for opening on the 8th day of the 8th month 1988 (or in Masonic terms ‘the month of Bul’), which is Satan’s spiritual temple and once again this temple was glorified all over the world in 1988 among the nations. The first half of the seven years, was also complete from the 6th November 1984 when Ronald Reagan took his seat, to the first attack of America in the Persian Gulf [2], which was exactly twelve hundred and sixty days to the 18th to the 20th April 1988 as the prophecy stated. Now the prophecy states there is a break or gap of two, or two and a half years of peace and safety all around the world, a delusion. If you have been observing, you will have noticed that in 1988 there was an official ceasefire announced in the Iran-Iraq War, which is significant as the final count down for the last days began with the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. These two powers are involved in the Great War in the Middle East. These nations are antichrist but are not the beast nation led by the Antichrist, as they are not the seed of Joseph, the Antichrist must come out of and be of the House of David (Judah). Daniel 11 covers the lead up to the end time vision; America becomes the saviour of World War II and then becomes strong with a small number of people, the Jews. He helps establish the Zionist State of Israel for his purpose of gaining a stronghold in the Middle East, where he must make a final stand in Jerusalem. He will put the Jews down and take Jerusalem from them. He will make Jerusalem a city of the world, where as now it is the Jew’s sovereign city for the first time in two thousand years (since 1967 Arab-Israeli War). In World War II America put down three kings, Germany, Japan and Italy, otherwise known as the Axis Powers. In Daniel 7:24, after this Great War America rises as the world’s greatest power. It was President Harry Truman the thirty-third degree Mason, who made King George VI sign the Dissolution of the British Empire in 1946, as Great Britain (indebted to America) was virtually broke at the end of World War II. It was a nation living on foreign borrowing at an immense scale. President Truman canceled Lend Lease on August 17, 1945. Lend Lease was a program enacted by the US Congress on March 11, 1941, allowing President Franklin D. Roosevelt to transfer resources and loans to Great Britain. America was now completely out of isolationism and on his way to being a global power as his Great Seal states THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF THE AGES, or NEW WORLD ORDER (NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM) and EPLURIBUS UNUN (Out of many ONE), meaning out of many nations one world government and ANNUIT COEPTIS (he, Lucifer has favoured our undertaking), the All Seeing Eye. In Daniel 8:9: ‘And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land’. In these verses the little horn, which is America (the beast), grows and grows until he has conquered from south and east and the holy land of Israel. America is the only nation to have done this since World War II. The American dollar has ruled the world, rebuilding Japan, Germany and other nations. Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Bank of America and other American banks have been the major lenders to the world, especially involving massive loans to third world countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Israel, Egypt and dozens more, knowing that it would be impossible for them to repay even the interest on such loans. America has deliberately become the debtor nation to collapse the whole world monetary system. The first warning was sounded with the global share market crash of 1987, which triggered another mini-crash on the 13th October 1989. This has finally set off a global recession, floundering world economies, thousands of bankruptcies, bank collapses (well over one thousand in America within the last couple of years), a complete breakdown of trade between the nations and the collapse of rural industry throughout the world. The World Order plan is to firstly collapse the rural farms (no food), then the cities’ infrastructure, causing total chaos and massive unemployment. On top of this, which we have been continually witnessing, massive natural disasters, with huge damage bills, famine, floods, pestilence and earthquakes as prophesied by the Lord. At the Yalta Conference in February 1943, the American Illuminist Franklin Roosevelt, a high thirty third-degree Mason (remembering the 33° Supreme Council of the world is Washington 286), made the decision with Stalin to divide Europe into East and West. This would work as a test case for a totalitarian world order in future. You see it was the American Republican Masons that once again set up and financed the Bolsheviks to destroy the Russian Czar Nicholas II and the Throne - a carbon copy once again of the American and French Revolutions. American Illuminist Masons created Communism. The same pattern of freethinking writers emerged in the form of Lenin and Marxism ideology (Republican Masons). Under a new name called Communism, Stalin’s Russia was built on American money and equipment. So if Communism was so evil, why did America build Communism? Good question!! Since 1917 the Illuminist Industrialist Arnold Hammer was going back and forth organizing and building Russia. This man was so important that even the Pope rolled out the red carpet for him in 1988. Henry Ford arranged production lines, trucks and parts. Military factories and hardware were set up whilst the capital kept coming from America. So who was the big boogey man? Then across to Japan, where American money and services built Japan before World War II and then again for restructuring after the war. Then John J McCloy, also an important Illuminist Mason who was President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 1947-1949 and the United States High Commissioner for Germany, helped restructure Germany from an occupied territory to a sovereign state. Then in 1955 he was Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, his career not ending there. He was also advisor to President Kennedy on disarmament from 1961-1963 and then served as a special consultant for NATO. What an Illuminist! The list goes on. During the Cuban Missile Crisis he went to Russia to patch up the problem and set up the E.E.C and many world programs, he hand picked Henry Kissinger and finally was adviser to most Presidents for 45 years. With an exhausting list like this, he must have been a super being. I think he died in 1989 or 1990 being about 90 years old. Men like this made the little horn grow and grow, they divided the lands for gain and those who serve him well, he rewards and those who do not, he cuts off (Daniel). As I have said before, the devil’s kingdom is divided and in the end they will all turn on one another (no honour amongst thieves). The Cold War was a load of rubbish or facade, with capital and armament pouring into Russia to build up the Super Power even more. The World Bank is always at the doorstep, knocking at the door and asking do you need more capital? (not forgetting that basically America is the World Bank). The United States is also the cornerstone and founder of the United Nations. So he undoubtedly fulfills the bible prophecy of the beast the whole world wonders after (Revelation). ‘Whose look is more stout, than his fellows’ Daniel 7:20 (and he also has a great boastful mouth and he is arrogant). The Vietnam War was America’s folly where he received the wound of the sword and couldn’t lay it to rest for fifteen years. It was President Ronald Reagan in 1984 that finally laid the wound of the sword to rest (the humiliation of Vietnam that worried the beast). America held a national day of mourning and finally buried the Unknown Soldier, fulfilling prophecy and shutting the door on Vietnam. It was Ronald Reagan in 1980 that announced to the whole world that he would once again make America a great military nation (the worship of the God of forces, armament, war and weaponry –Daniel 11), which George Bush put in motion in the Gulf War 1991. Ronald Reagan on numerous occasions stated he would lead the world to Armageddon. Ronald and Nancy Reagan both followed the occult and consulted a top psychic and clairvoyant since the sixties. While he was Governor of California in 1976 there was a so-called Christian meeting at his home, in attendance that night was Jerry Falwell, a leading pre-millennialist, George Ortis, Pat Boone, Oral Roberts and others. It was reported in news articles at that time that while they were praying in a circle, a voice seemed to fall on Ronald Reagan, which said this is my son whom I will lead to the White House. In 1984 the National Prayer Breakfast or the Masonic Prayer Gathering, brought together over two hundred official dignitaries from all over the world. Warwick Fairfax and Alan Bond (Australian entrepreneurs) were official invited guests. President Reagan was actually exalted and placed above God and Christ. Blasphemy in the opening prayer, he was put above the Holy Trinity, the papers remarked how this was a first for American history. Australian newspapers also wrote a full-page article on this in 1984. He fulfilled many prophecies and events in his eight years in the White House. I told people six months before that he would have intelligence with Iran behind the back door, which he did (The Iran Contra Scandal). Again, I prophesied 18 months before (Daniel 11) he would send American warships to the Persian Gulf, a prophecy he fulfilled on the 18th April 1988 to the day. He also caused an offence to the Jews by visiting the SS War Graves in Germany at Bittburg and laid a wreath. He was the first American President to be made an honorary knight by the Queen of England. I believe only two or three Americans were ever to receive this honour. In an article in a leading Washington paper, dated 1988, Ronald Reagan gave himself rave reviews, by observing his seventh anniversary in the White House and proclaiming his great success on foreign and domestic policy. He said he needed one more year for Americans and for all mankind, to bring them to their feet for the closing act. This man is not finished yet. He is sitting patiently in a house in Beverly Hills that he rents from 18 close associate friends and his house number is 666 St Cloud Drive. Nancy and Ronald asked the Council of the area if they could change the house number as they said 666 is the biblical number for the devil. The Council came back to them and said an 8 could go over the last number 6, but officially on the record the county number could not be changed so it officially remains 666. Some coincidence that Our Lord comes on a cloud and the false Antichrist lives on Cloud Drive. I believe from war in the Middle East, which will gradually unfold, he will be given a great position over the New World Order for the final slaughter of the saints, the Mark and the final Battle of Armageddon. There is only one other man on earth as a candidate for the Antichrist title and that is George Bush [3]. He has always run with Ronald Reagan since 1980 when he became his Vice President for two terms. He also is a 33° Mason. His former positions and titles are well known as a CIA Director etc. When he was elected President on the 8th November 1988, it was announced on TV and Radio, that this man is also a descendant of the House of David or Judah, out of England. His ancestor, wait for it, was Bloody Queen Mary who burnt Protestants at the stake, he came from the Tudor line (Red Rose) and is 13th cousin to the Queen twice removed. They also stated on TV and radio that twelve American Presidents were related, including Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Abraham Lincoln, Gerald Ford and others that I did not write down at the time, I think included in that was George Washington, talk about the 13th Tribe – who runs the oval office? [4] The Lord Jesus Christ had a forerunner and that was John the Baptist, making a straight path for the Lord, but John stated the one to come would be mightier than he. Satan always does a copy act, which one is the forerunner?
Above from the left: U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton & George W. Bush – all share the same lineage. Do you remember in 1988 when the model of the Sphinx of Egypt was carried all around the world? As I said before, this was the year Satan was glorified and Freemasonry went public as their leader now sat on the Throne of David to rule the world. Now the Sphinx, the lion that couches, was built in Egypt by the high priests of Freemasonry. I believe the face of the Sphinx was Joseph who was made Administrator over Egypt at that time. Now as I previously stated Freemasonry passed into the seed of Joseph and at the end of the world, Satan’s seed line would follow through, Manasseh took the Throne and rule from Ephraim. Reading from Genesis 49 records the blessings given out to the twelve tribes of Israel: ‘Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be’ Genesis 49:8-10. The lion of the tribe of Judah, our Lord Jesus Christ, the lion in Egypt to come the Antichrist, therefore his face will be like Joseph’s, as the eldest son Manasseh looked like his father, so Ronald or George has the face of the Sphinx. The Jews cannot be fooled, as they know the Messiah must come from the root of Jesse (Joseph and Jacob), tribe of Judah. It is interesting also to note the opera performed around the world in 1988 with the Sphinx and Pyramids of Egypt called ‘Aida’ or in Arabic meaning ‘he is coming back or who is come’. The TV and media, shops, travel brochures etc have had a world wide mass advertising of the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Egypt over the last few years. News articles on the Sphinx say there is only one like it but the Sphinx continues to crumble apart (that is because the real man is here and the stone one is not needed anymore [5]). The priests knew how long it would last. The articles go on to say that after a year of scientific debate the archaeologists cannot figure out how to keep the Sphinx from falling apart. It has been almost six months since workmen made emergency repairs and replaced a stone that fell last February from the crouching lion’s right shoulder. No one knows when the Sphinx lost his nose or beard; he has survived for four thousand six hundred years. The archaeologist official Sayed Tawfik of Egypt said the ancient stone masons knew the Sphinx would not survive as long as the Pyramids of Gisa. A tumbling rock in 1982 cost the antiquities chairman his job and stopped all existing restoration works on the Sphinx. The Director Zahi Hawass stated, for the Sphinx time was passing. He is like a suffering old man who needs an operation -but what kind? When the rock fell it was a kind of a red flag Hawass said (The coming and appearance of the Antichrist the stone). Since 1980 God has confirmed by events, witnesses, TV, radio and papers and books around the world of his prophecies written in his Holy Word. If you are watching and observing as the Lord commanded you, then you will not be caught in a trap, as every day prophecy is being fulfilled. Above: The Sphinx of Egypt with a lion’s body and human head, it represents Ra-Horakhty – a form of the powerful sun god and is the incarnation of royal power. The face of the Sphinx is the ruler from the tribe of Judah, the face of the Antichrist who will rule the nations. FOOTNOTES: [1] Former President Ronald Reagan also claimed to be a descendant from the Tara Kings of Ireland. The Tara Celtic lineage was from the daughters of Zedekiah and Zarah – the evil King of Judah who was removed from the Throne (Jeremiah 40-43). [2] President Ronald Reagan (father of Star Wars Program) ordered first US warships to the Persian Gulf April 1988. President George Bush instigated the second US deployment to the Persian Gulf (Gulf War 1991) and President George W. Bush (son of Star Wars) instigated the third attack in the Persian Gulf (Iraq War 2003). See Hosea 3:4. [3] II Thessalonians 2:3 ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (Second Coming), except there come a falling away first (Great Apostasy of the Church), and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition’ (the final Antichrist). [4] President George W. Bush has the same lineage as his father whilst former President Bill Clinton shares the same ancestry as Ronald Reagan and the Bush family. [5] Although it seems the Masonic Priesthood has restored the Sphinx as a monument to the Antichrist now that he has finally come. In an article entitled ‘Sphinx finds its feet again’ 26 May 1998, the Sphinx is ‘smiling again’ after a 10 year, $4 million renovation, ‘The Sphinx is smiling again because he is a healthy man’ chief government archaeologist Zahi Hawass said. Means the final rule of the Antichrist as lawgiver (a copy of Jesus Christ) over the nations has come. | ||||
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The war on Iraq was unprovoked. As we are all aware of the lies that brought this war to fruition; We must now begin to face the grim reality of what harsh repercussions this unprecedented war has had on the lives of so many innocent people. There was no just cause for this attack.
The 200 year Conspiracy
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